Stock market announcement archive

January 20, 2020
Lifecare Engages Top International Nanotechnology Expert to serve as Scientific Advisor for the Sencell Development! Lifecare AS is pleased to welcome Prof. Michael Huth, Professor for Thinlayer Physics at the Johann-Wolfgang-vom-Goethe University in Frankfurt and one of the Global International Leaders in the field of Nanosensing Technology as a new member of the Scientific Advisory […]
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January 17, 2020
STATEMENT OF CLARIFICATION Lifecare AS’ Board would like to clarify and substantiate the notice published on the stock exchange on 15 January 2020: Lifecare AS and IMS Capital Partners GmbH have established Digital Diagnostics AG to complete Lifecare AS’ sensor technology, Sencell. The agreement between the parties entails that IMS Capital Partners GmbH will finance […]
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January 17, 2020
REDEGJØRELSE Styret i Lifecare AS vil presisere og utdype børsmelding datert 15. januar 2020: Lifecare AS og IMS Capital Partners GmbH har stiftet Digital Diagnostics AG for å ferdigstille Lifecare AS sin sensorteknologi, Sencell. Partenes samarbeidsavtale innebærer at IMS Capital Partners GmbH finansierer ferdigstillingen av Sencell, slik at Lifecare AS ikke har behov for planlagt […]
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January 16, 2020
Sterna Holding AS, et selskap 100 % eid av Christian Saure som er styreformann og primærinnsider i Lifecare AS, har i dag solgt 250.000 aksjer i Lifecare AS på kurs 3,7155. Sterna Holding AS eier etter dette salget 3.350.000 aksjer tilsvarende 4,14 % av selskapet.
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January 15, 2020
Lifecare signs joint venture to develop and digitize technologies Lifecare today announces an exciting joint venture to further develop Lifecare’s technology and digitize medical diagnostics. The joint venture with IMS Capital Partners will establish Digital Diagnostics AG, a company co-owned by IMS Capital Partners, Lifecare AS and employees. The deal will take effect from today […]
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December 3, 2019
Lifecare presented business and scientific updates at an investor lunch Friday November 29th at Carnegie in Oslo. The presentation can be found on the homepage of the company. The presentation is available at "" (Investor Relations / Financial Reports / Presentations). Or by copying this link to your web browser: a5_Lifecare%20-%20Investor%20presentation%20Nov.%2029th%202019.pdf
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December 3, 2019
Lifecare presenterte forretningsmessig og vitenskaplig status og oppdatering ved en investor lunsj Fredag 29. November hos Carnegie i Oslo. Presentasjonen er tilgjengelig på Lifecare sin web-side; "" (Investor Relations / Financial Reports / Presentations). Eller ved å kopiere denne linken til din web browser: a5_Lifecare%20-%20Investor%20presentation%20Nov.%2029th%202019.pdf
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November 29, 2019
Primærinnsidere kjøper aksjer i Lifecare AS. Konstantin Kloppstech, VP Technology i Lifecare AS har gjennom sitt heleide selskap Dev Medical UG kjøpt 150.000 aksjer i Lifecare AS til kurs NOK 2,10. Frank Flacke, CTO i Lifecare AS har gjennom sitt heleide selskap Flacke Consulting kjøpt 150.000 aksjer i Lifecare AS til kurs NOK 2,10. Christian […]
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November 29, 2019
Lifecare tests groundbreaking technology to analyze human data and strengthens core team 29.11.2019, Oslo – Today Lifecare AS, a Norwegian life-science company, announced that they are getting ready to test their sensing technology on human data. This is a significant advancement in the development of the solutions to address the diabetes epidemic. Lifecare AS researches […]
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April 23, 2019
Lifecare Achieves Major Breakthrough in the Attempt to Miniaturize the Sencell Glucose Sensor Lifecare is developing an implantable continuous glucose sensor based on its proprietary osmotic pressure cell technology. One core element of the glucose sensor is a pressure transducer, which translates the glucose-induced osmotic pressure change in the measurement chamber into a transmittable electronic […]
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