LIFE-ME: Lifecare Engages Top International Nanotechnology Expert to serve as Scientific Advisor for the Sencell Development!

Lifecare Engages Top International Nanotechnology Expert to serve as ScientificAdvisor for the Sencell Development! Lifecare AS is pleased to welcome Prof. Michael Huth, Professor for ThinlayerPhysics at the Johann-Wolfgang-vom-Goethe University in Frankfurt and one of theGlobal International Leaders in the field of Nanosensing Technology as a newmember of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Sencell Development. "Prof. Huth is an outstanding scientist and will bring extremely valuablesupport to the existing advisory board, which is already composed of leadinginternational experts in the field of diabetes and diabetes technology" saysProf. Andreas Pfützner, Chief Scientific Officer of Lifecare and Christian TorpSaure, Lifecare's Executive Chairman, adds: "Having Prof. Huth join our advisoryboard is not only a major achievement in the atempt to finalize the Sencelldevelopment, but also a further proof for the acceptance by the scientificcommunity of Lifecare's Sencell development and for the companies' vision tohelp people suffering from diabetes." In addition to Prof Huth the Lifecare AS' Scientific Advisory Board includes:Chairman: Prof. David C. Klonoff- Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco- Medical Director of the Dorothy L. and James E. Frank Diabetes Research Institute of Mills-Peninsula Medical Center- Editor in Chief, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology- Chairman, Diabetes Technology MeetingMember: Prof. Lutz Heinemann- Founding Partner, Profil Institute for Metabolic Research in Neuss, Germany- Member of the German Diabetes Association (DDG), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)and the American Diabetes Association(ADA)- Co-Editor, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology- Awarded for “Leadership in Diabetes Technology” and “Artificial Pancreas Research Award” from the Diabetes Technology SocietyMember / CMO: Prof. Kåre Birkeland- Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University of Oslo- Senior consultant in Endocrinology, Dep. of Transplantation Medicine, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital- Chairman Advisory Board, Norwegian Diabetes AssociationAbout LifecareLifecare is a Norwegian life-science company, headquartered in Bergen. TheCompany was incorporated on 4 September 2006. Lifecare is developing animplantable continuous monitoring device and technology, Sencell Glucose Sensor,for glucose assessment. Lifecare has the intellectual property rights to theunderlying nanotechnology and MEMS-technology to realize the productdevelopment. Lifecare recently entered a Joint Venture with IMS Capital PartnersGmbH founding Digital Diagnostics AG to finalize the Sencell development. For more information or interviews, please contact:Christian Torp SaureChairman, Lifecare+ 47