Stock market announcement archive

September 27, 2022
Conducting clinical trials on humans is a significant step towards Lifecare'sgoal of contributing to helping people with diabetes to live a normal life. The purpose of the first study is to optimize signal reading from the company'sgroundbreaking sensor technology for continuous glucose monitoring for peoplewith diabetes. The glucose sensor for the clinical trials is produced […]
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August 8, 2022
Bergen, Norway 8 August 2022Independent experts from the European Commission's Innovation Radar havereviewed Lifecares technology in the EU funded project FORGETDIABETES. Thereview concludes that Lifecare's innovations are "Market Ready" and consideredamong the top 14% of innovations in scientific projects receiving financialgrants from the European Commission.Lifecare's involvement in the project FORGETDIABETES involves two keyinnovations: 1. Lifecare […]
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July 4, 2022
Bergen, Norway 4 June 2022 Lifecare achieved the two major milestones for 1H2022 in June, the clinicalstudy announced 23 June has started and Lifecare continue to strengthen theorganization. Read more in the Lifecare July newsletter: This is Lifecare Lifecare is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturizedimplantable long-term sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of […]
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June 23, 2022
Bergen, Norway 23 June 2022Today, Lifecare AS will initiate first-in human clinical studies of the diabetessensor Sencell, thereby the second of two major milestones in 1H 2022 is inprogress. Lifecare recently announced that the first milestone for 1H 2022 wascompleted, namely successfully in-vitro testing and fabrication of the prototypehaving the size of a grain of […]
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June 23, 2022
Bergen, Norge 23 Juni 2022Lifecare AS kan i dag informere om oppstart av kliniske forsøk avdiabetes-sensoren «Sencell» på mennesker, dermed er den andre av to storemilepæler for 1H 2022 igangsatt. Denne utviklingen kommer etter at selskapet forkort tid siden kunne bekrefte årets første milepæl, nemlig vellykketlaboratorietesting av prototypen i riskornstørrelse. Tidligere pre-klinisketester av teknologien har […]
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June 9, 2022
Bergen, Norway 9 June 2022 Lifecare has recently concluded successful in-vitro test results of theminiaturized Sencell sensor. This represents a milestone achievement of theSencell development, and the impact of the in-vitro tests reaches even further.Learn more about the importance of these test results, as well as furtherincrease of staff in the Lifecare Group, a nationwide […]
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June 2, 2022
Bergen, Norway 02 June 2022In the late hours of June 1st, 2022, the team at Lifecare NanoBioSenorsconcluded successful, high quality and reproducible in-vitro test results withthe miniaturized Sencell sensor for glucose measurement. This is a milestoneachievement confirming functionality of Lifecares proprietary technology both inthe nanoscale of the miniaturized sensors, as well as the signal readout […]
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May 23, 2022
Bergen, 23 May 2022On 6 May 2022, the Lifecare Annual General Meeting (AGM) passed a resolutionauthorizing the Board of Directors to establish an incentive program foremployees and consultants in the Lifecare Group. The AGM resolution included anauthorization for the Board to increase the share capital by up to 5% of theexisting registered share capital for […]
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April 4, 2022
Bergen, Norway 4 April 2022 Demonstration of nano-scale dispensing of biochemical solutions on the Sencellchip and an article in the Norwegian Technical Weekly. Upcoming events and anoperational update. Read more in the Lifecare April newsletter: is Lifecare Lifecare is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturizedimplantable long-term sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of […]
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February 28, 2022
Following the restructuring of Lifecare including the acquisition of the twooperational German subsidiaries Lifecare NanoBioSensors and LifecareLaboratories, the Lifecare Board of Directors, management, and key personnelhave conducted an inspiring and productive workshop in Mainz, Germany. Due to acurrent high demand for Covid PCR testing, Lifecare Laboratories experiences anextraordinarily high activity level, generating revenue, while LifecareNanoBioSensors […]
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