Lifecare innovations categorised by EU Innovation Radar as “Market Ready” and among top 14 % in terms of “Market Creation Potential” – Lifecare newsletter August 2022

Bergen, Norway 8 August 2022

Independent experts from the European Commission's Innovation Radar havereviewed Lifecares technology in the EU funded project FORGETDIABETES. Thereview concludes that Lifecare's innovations are "Market Ready" and consideredamong the top 14% of innovations in scientific projects receiving financialgrants from the European Commission.

Lifecare's involvement in the project FORGETDIABETES involves two keyinnovations: 1. Lifecare AS is responsible for the development and customization ofLifecare's proprietary osmotic pressure-based sensor for glucose monitoring inthe subcutaneous area, into an "implantable intra peritoneal sensor". The sensorrepresents a critical component for the development of an artificial pancreas.

2. Lifecare Laboratory GmbH is a project participant - independent of the mothercompany - responsible for the development of an in-vitro test system for thesensor and an insulin pump as part of the planned artificial pancreas. As partof this task, Lifecare Laboratory have developed an "In-vitro test bench fordynamic interference testing of glucose sensors".

Both inventions have been reviewed and categorized as "Market ready" with a"high" market creation potential by the European Commission's Innovation Radar.

Read more in Lifecares newsletter:

This is Lifecare Lifecare is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturizedimplantable long-term sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of bloodsugar in people with diabetes. The sensor is currently subject of pilot clinicaltesting. The Company's patented technology also has the potential for use invarious biomarkers. Lifecare AS is listed on Euronext Growth (LIFE).

Further information Joacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,,+47 40 05 90 40

This stock exchange announcement was published by Joacim Holter, CEO at LifecareAS, on 08.08.22 at 08:30 CET.