LIFE: Interim data analysis of the first in-human study shows that Lifecare’s sensor is able to monitor glucose variations

Conducting clinical trials on humans is a significant step towards Lifecare'sgoal of contributing to helping people with diabetes to live a normal life.

The purpose of the first study is to optimize signal reading from the company'sgroundbreaking sensor technology for continuous glucose monitoring for peoplewith diabetes. The glucose sensor for the clinical trials is produced at thecompany's development department in Reutlingen, Germany, and the studies areconducted at the company's clinical department in Mainz, Germany.

Lifecare aims to offer continuous glucose monitoring with a sensor that issignificantly smaller and has a function time that is 12 times longer thanexisting needle-type glucose sensors. The sensor "Sencell" has the size of agrain of rice. It will be the first solution for continuous glucose monitoringthat can be fully placed under the skin, without a fixed device on the outsideof the body. Lifecare's solution is expected to be significantly less expensivethan existing glucose monitoring systems.


As we have underlined in previous communication performing a clinical study witha novel technology and device never before used by humans is a complexoperation. The primary purpose of the ongoing study is to provideproof-of-concept confirmation for glucose measurement in humans.

The data points collected from the early readout in the study show that oursensor is able to follow glucose variations in humans. Consequently, we willcontinue the pilot study based on these encouraging data.

Lifecare Chief Scientific Officer, Professor Andreas Pfützner states: "Our sensor measures glucose in the human interstitial fluid in the subcutaneoustissue. We have shown a sensitivity that is in line with that of widely usedContinuous Glucose Monitoring systems, which act as a reference measurement inthe study. We have confirmed the functionality that we observed in the animaltrials, and we are going to provide further information once we have morecomprehensive data from this ongoing trial".

Lifecare Chief Executive Officer Joacim Holter comments:"This is a major achievement in our development and an important preparation tofurther improve the device specifications considering the planned clinicalstudies for CE approval."

Contact: Joacim Holter, CEO, tel. +47 40059050, epost:

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EUMarket Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuantto Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchangeannouncement was published by Joacim Holter, CEO at Lifecare AS, on 27.9.2022 at8:38 CET.


Lifecare AS is a sensor technology company headquartered in Bergen. The companyis developing a sensor that measures variations in glucose levels for peoplewith diabetes based on changes in osmotic pressure, which are documented tocorrelate 100% with changes in the incidence of glucose. Lifecare's technologyand methodology are patented, and the company is believed to be the only playerglobally that uses osmotic principles as a basis for accurate and stablecontinuous glucose measurement. The technology and method are highly usable andallow for the measurement of a wide range of molecules in addition to glucose.