Stock market announcement archive

January 31, 2022
Bergen, Norway 31 January 2022The overall aim for Lifecare in 2022 is to initiate clinical activities in linewith our development milestones. The planned activities will bring our uniqueSencell osmotic sensing technology a significant step closer to regulatoryapproval as a medical device for diabetes care. Preparations to ensure aregulatory approved platform have been initiated and we […]
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January 3, 2022
Financial calendar for Lifecare FINANCIAL YEAR 2021 21.04.2022 - Annual reportFINANCIAL YEAR 2022 06.05.2022 - Annual General Meeting25.08.2022 - Half-yearly Report This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in theContinuing obligations.
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December 20, 2021
Bergen, Norway 20 December 2021Development and preparations for first-in-human pilot study is on track asLifecare successfully has manufactured nanogranular tunneling strain (NTR)sensors on the prototype Sencell electrodes at the new Lifecare NanoBioSensorslaboratory. The manufacturing of NTR sensors is a major technical achievementfor Lifecare.Read more in the Lifecare December newsletter: is LifecareLifecare is a Bergen-based […]
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November 10, 2021
Bergen, Norway 10 November 2021Please find attached Lifecare AS' operational update for 3Q 2021. The report isalso available on Further informationJoacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement waspublished by Kine Hereid, […]
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November 8, 2021
Bergen, Norway 8 November 2021Please find enclosed the presentation held by Lifecare AS' CSO Prof. AndreasPfützner at the 20th annual Diabetes Tech Meeting 6 November 2021. Topic of thepresentation was the EU funded project Forget Diabetes: a novel automatedinsulin delivery system, of which Lifecare in cooperation with 6 academicpartners cross Europe aim to develop an […]
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October 25, 2021
Bergen 25 October 2021Lifecare AS' management team will host an online presentation on Wednesday 10November 2021. The webcast will be for all shareholders and interested parties at 11:00 - 11:30CET. The presentation will give an operational update for the third quarter.There will be a Q&A session following the management presentation. The link tothe webcast will […]
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October 14, 2021
Bergen, 14.10.2021Lifecare has been invited to take seat in the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) atthe 5th International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics atSmall Scales (MARSS) to be held in Toronto, Canada, July 18-22, 2022. Lifecarehas accepted the invitation. MARSS is the flagship event for cross-disciplinary R&D communities to discusscurrent activities in all areas related […]
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September 23, 2021
Bergen, Norway 23.09.21 In relation to the online presentation to be held by Lifecare AS' managementtoday at 12:00 - 12:45 CET, please find attached an updated investorpresentation. The link to the webcast is available at in theInvestors section information Joacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,,+47 40 05 90 40 This stock exchange announcement […]
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September 7, 2021
Bergen, Norway 07.09.21Please find attached Lifecare AS' updated investor presentation. Thepresentation is also available on Further informationJoacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40This stock exchange announcement was published by Kine Hereid, InvestorRelations at Lifecare AS, on 07.09.2021 at 17.00 CET.
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June 22, 2021
Lifecare is happy to announce that the collaboration with the ChemistryDepartment of Bath University, UK, has been prolonged and further amplified.This will ensure mutual beneficiary progress on the development of proprietaryspecific chemistry solutions for detection of glucose and additional analytes ofinterest based on the Sencell technology. In addition, Lifecare has directly engaged, Dr. Jordan Edward […]
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