LIFE: Lifecare nominated to the Industrial Advisory Board at MARSS conference

Bergen, 14.10.2021

Lifecare has been invited to take seat in the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) atthe 5th International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics atSmall Scales (MARSS) to be held in Toronto, Canada, July 18-22, 2022. Lifecarehas accepted the invitation.

MARSS is the flagship event for cross-disciplinary R&D communities to discusscurrent activities in all areas related to manipulation and automation(including measurement and characterization) at micro & nano scales, and in allkinds of small-scale robots and their applications. The 5th annual MARSS issponsored by the University of Toronto, the University of Oldenburg and the IEEEsubdivisions IEEE Robotics & Automation Society and IEEE Nanotechnology CouncilAdvancing Nanotech for Humanity. The IEEE is the world largest technicalprofessional organization for the advancement of technology carrying the slogan"Advancing Technology for Humanity".

The nomination of Lifecare to join the IAB of the MARSS conference is anappreciation of Lifecare's interdisciplinary research and development within thefields of nanosensing, electronics, chemistry, and robotics employed by thecompany in the course of the Sencell sensor development. The already achievedminiaturization of Lifecare's Sencell sensor for glucose detection is based on a3DNanoprinting process, which allows to produce strain sensor elements at thesize of a few tens of a nanometer (1 nanometer = 1 millionth of a millimeter) atthe newly established Lifecare Nanobiosensors MEMS & Sensor Research Laboratoryin Reutlingen (Germany). Lifecare Nanobiosensors holds a global license for the3DNanoprinting technology making it possible to produce and market the completeoverall Sencell device for continuous glucose monitoring at the size of a grainof rice.

Lifecare is honored by the invitation from the MARSS Steering Committee andlooks forward to interacting with the conference participants to bridge thecommunication and support the joint development efforts between the industry,academia and other stakeholders.

More information of the MARSS conference can be found at

This is LifecareLifecare is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturizedimplantable long-term sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of bloodsugar in people with diabetes. The Company's patented technology also has thepotential for use in various biomarkers. Lifecare AS is listed on EuronextGrowth (LIFE).

For further information, please contact: Joacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40

This stock exchange announcement was published by Kine Hereid, InvestorRelations at Lifecare AS, on 14.10.2021 at 08:20 CET.