Bergen 25 October 2021
Lifecare AS' management team will host an online presentation on Wednesday 10November 2021.
The webcast will be for all shareholders and interested parties at 11:00 - 11:30CET. The presentation will give an operational update for the third quarter.There will be a Q&A session following the management presentation. The link tothe webcast will be available in the Investors section
You can post questions during the event or send them in advance
Lifecare AS' CSO Prof. Andreas Pfützner will present at the 20th annual DiabetesTech Meeting hosted by Diabetes Technology Society at 4-6 November 2021. Topicof the presentation will be the EU funded project Forget Diabetes: a novelautomated insulin delivery system, of which Lifecare in cooperation with 6academic partners cross Europe aim to develop an artificial pancreas where thesensing system is based on the Sencell technology. The presentation will begiven on 6 November at 10:00 am (Pacific Time) and will give an overview of theproject.
The Diabetes Tech Meeting host leading scientists in the field of diabetesresearch and they present the latest technological advances for people withdiabetes. Last year's meeting brought together over 500 clinicians andscientists from 20 countries to focus on applying science and technology tofight diabetes. The goal of the meeting is to connect technology developers andusers to facilitate the creation of new and cost-effective tools to help peoplewith diabetes.
Lifecare's Board member Prof. Lutz Heinemann will also present at the annualDiabetes Tech Meeting, he will make several appearances, his topics will beemerging technologies, bruising and green diabetes.
Further informationJoacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40
This stock exchange announcement was published by Kine Hereid, InvestorRelations at Lifecare AS, on 25.10.2021 at 14:45 CET.