LIFE-ME: Scientific breakthrough Lifecare’s partner Digital Diagnostics AG detects corona virus with rapid test

Scientific breakthrough: Lifecare’s partner Digital Diagnostics AG detectscorona virus with rapid test, seeks FDA approval and plans to deliver unitsstarting in JulyThe Norwegian listed company Lifecare AS (LIFE-ME) has a 25% ownership inDigital Diagnostics AG which has successfully detected SARS-CoV-2 viruses usingthe revolutionary Cantisense™ technology at the Helmholtz Centre for InfectionResearch in Braunschweig Germany. Contrary to PCR testing, the Digid Cantisense™SARS-CoV-2 Test reliably detects the corona virus from the time of infection andgives the test result within minutes at the point-of-care. Digital Diagnostics has filed for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approval. Starting in July, Digital Diagnostics is planning to deliver tests,followed by upscaling of capacities in the short term.In contrast to PCR testing, the Digid Cantisense™ SARS-CoV-2 Test provides aclear electronic “YES” or “NO” information within a few minutes, saving precioustime in the diagnosis. It directly detects the presence of the virus, whileother rapid tests only recognize antibodies. Antibodies form after a patient wasinfected and contagious for several days. Therefore, today’s rapid antibodytests are of limited use to contain the spread of the pandemic.Christian Saure, Chairman of Lifecare, said: “The Digid Cantisense™ SARS-CoV-2Test can detect corona virus from the time of infection, contrary to other testson the market that can only detect the antibodies 5-7 days after the infection.The accurate and quick on-site testing, which is independent of lab analysis,will really help contain the current SARS-COV-2 pandemic. The scientificbreakthrough and timeline for point-of-care tests is a leap in revolutionizingSARS-CoV-2 diagnostics. Digital Diagnostics fast-track development andpositioning represent a significant value potential for Lifecare as a partnerand shareholder.” Konstantin Kloppstech, CTO at Digital Diagnostics, says: “Recent test series atthe HZI high-security laboratory have shown that SARS-CoV-2 viruses can bedetected directly and reliably using our Cantisense technology and without theneed for PCR or further sample processing. This is a scientific breakthrough. Wehave coated cantilevers with a capture layer of highly specific monoclonalantibodies, which can reliably bind SARS-CO-2 viruses in the test fluid.”Constantin von Gersdorff, CEO of Digital Diagnostics, said: “The next step willbe to initiate clinical studies with patient samples. To this end, we havealready established international collaborations with leading hospitals inEurope, Africa and Asia”.With Digid’s point-of-care solution, the measurement results are transmittedwirelessly from a sensor hub to a mobile device. By connecting to a secureanalytics platform, the numerous sensor data can be augmented with further dataand processed anonymously for research and diagnostic applications.Due to its measurement speed and the highly reliable results, the DigidCantisense™ SARS-CoV-2 Test is particularly suitable to support the containmentof the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The test offers the possibility of simpleand rapid testing of patients and medical staff as an alternative to laboratorytests and enables reliable identification of infected persons within minutes.The possible areas of application therefore also include screening for accesscontrol at airports and railway stations, hospitals and specially protectedareas (such as retirement and nursing homes) as well as for companies who wantto ensure that their production runs smoothly and safely.The experts at Digital Diagnostics are also working at full-speed to furtherdevelop the technology and to adapt the point-of-care testing procedure forconsumers at home.Partner Consortiumdigid — Digital Diagnostics AG, Mainz, BerlinHelmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI), BraunschweigDepartment of Biotechnology am Institut für Biochemie, Biotechnologie undBioinformatik der Technischen Universität BraunschweigLaboratories for Natural Product and Conjugation Chemistry (naconLabs)Division Microrobotics and Control Engineering (AMiR), University of OldenburgCentre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices, University of BathŁukasiewicz-Instytut Technologii Elektronowej, WarschauLifecare AS (Ltd.), Bergen, NorwayPfützner Science & Health Institute, MainzPress contact ConsortiumThomas Hubersemanticom GmbH+49 30 275 80 81 11digid-pr@semanticom.euPress contact LifecareChristian SaureChairman of the 909 33 148