LIFE: Lifecare newsletter

Bergen, Norway 26 Januar 2023

A new partnership with Goethe University Frankfurt am Main strengthen Lifecare'saccess to expertise and increase our recruitment base. Lifecare CSO Prof. Dr.Dr. Andreas Pfützner will present Lifecare's technology at the 16thInternational Conference on "Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes" inBerlin (ATTD 22-25 February 2023). The Norwegian Catapult Centre has awarded yetanother grant to Lifecare.

Read more in Lifecare's newsletter published today:

This is Lifecare: Lifecare is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturizedimplantable long-term sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of bloodsugar in people with diabetes. The Company's patented technology also has thepotential for use in various biomarkers. Lifecare AS is listed on EuronextGrowth (LIFE).

Further information Joacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,,+47 40 05 90 40

This stock exchange announcement was published by Joacim Holter, CEO at LifecareAS, on 25.1.23 at 13:33 CET.