LIFE: Lifecare AS prolongs and amplifies collaboration with Bath University

Lifecare is happy to announce that the collaboration with the ChemistryDepartment of Bath University, UK, has been prolonged and further amplified.This will ensure mutual beneficiary progress on the development of proprietaryspecific chemistry solutions for detection of glucose and additional analytes ofinterest based on the Sencell technology. In addition, Lifecare has directly engaged, Dr. Jordan Edward Gardiner as aconsultant. Dr. Jordan Edward Gardiner is the scientist responsible for theLifecare developments at Bath University under the guidance of Prof. Tony James,a worldwide leading expert in organic sensor chemistry development. The collaboration between Lifecare and Prof. Tony James research group has sofar resulted in significant improvements in sensitivity and specificity of thechemistry composition for glucose detection used in Lifecares core andproprietary Sencell technology for diabetes management. The European Patent Office recently communicated its intention to issue a newpatent for Lifecares improved system for the osmotic pressure based Sencelltechnology ( The expected patentwill increase the scope of protection until 2038 and broaden the technologyscope to include detection of several parameters in the interstitial fluid.Based on the prolonged and amplified collaboration, Lifecare expect to developeffective chemical compositions suitable for exploiting additional commercialopportunities for the Sencell technology, in addition to the core field ofdiabetes management. "With this step, we ensure that the scope of Lifecares Sencell sensordevelopment expands from glucose alone to other analytes, such as but notlimited to lactate, fructose, and calcium", says Joacim Holter Lifecare's CEO."This will help to collect complementary information for understanding theuser's metabolism and ultimately providing personalized guidance to maintainbetter glucose control and improve general health".

This is LifecareLifecare (LIFE) is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturizedimplantable long-term sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of bloodsugar in people with diabetes. The company's patented technology also has thepotential for use in various biomarkers.

For further information, please contact: Joacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS, +47 40 05 90 40This stock exchange announcement was published by Kine Hereid, InvestorRelations at Lifecare AS, on 22 June, 2021 at 08:15 CET.