Data from Lifecare's Clinical Development Study LFC-SEN-001 was presented at theAmerican Diabetes Association (ADA) Scientific Sessions 2023. Lifecare's posterpresentation reveals the study background, methods, and results. The resultsinclude an impressive mean average of absolute error (MARD) of 9,6%, positioningLifecares's Sencell technology with an accuracy that is acceptable fortherapeutic (medical) decisions such as insulin dose adjustments. Furthermore,the study results include a consensus error grid analysis that confirms that allthe 261 data points collected in the study is within zones A and B, meaning thatthe study results meet regulatory requirements for Continuous Glucose Monitoringsystems.
The poster presentation is enclosed to this stock exchange notification and onthe following link: enclosed as attachment to this .
On the basis of the study results and conclusion, Lifecare will evaluate thescope of the planned upcoming study LFC-SEN-002. The purpose of the study is toinvestigate longevity and biocompatibility in live tissue. In light of the veryencouraging outcomes of study LFS-SEN-001, Lifecare will consider adjusting theplanned study to take advantage of technical and strategic synergies that canlead to a shorter time to market within the broad field of glucose monitoring.
For media inquiries or more information, please contact: Asle Wingsternes, Headof Communications and Public Affairs at Lifecare, telephone +47 41 61 42 52,
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EUMarket Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuantto Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchangeannouncement was published by Joacim Holter, CEO at Lifecare AS, on 27 June 2023at 08:00 CET_____________________________________________________
Lifecare AS is a clinical stage medical sensor company developing technology forsensing and monitoring of various body analytes. Lifecare's main focus is tobring the next generation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring ("CGM") systems tomarket. Lifecare enables osmotic pressure as sensing principle, combined withthe ability to manipulate Nano-granular Tunnelling Resistive sensors ("NTR") onthe sensor body for read-out of pressure variations. LifecareŽs sensortechnology is referred to as "Sencell" and is suitable for identifying andmonitoring the occurrence of a wide range of analytes and molecules in the humanbody.