Annual General Meeting

May 6, 2022,

Lifecare AS will hold a General Meeting on 6 May 2022 at 10:00. The meeting will be conducted as a combined physical and digital meeting. Shareholders who wish to participate and vote at the General Meeting must be registered with a userprofile in the meeting portal Orgbrain ( It will be possible to attend the meeting in person or digitally through Orgbrain. Further information about participation and registration appears from the notice.


AGM notice with complete agenda

Appendix 1 Lifecare Annual Report 2021

Appendix 2 proposals for amendments of articles of association

Appendix 3 proposed instructions for nomination committee


Proxy form

Valgkomiteens innstilling


To save the environment and reduce costs incurred sending the notification by post to the shareholders, please see below a manual (in Norwegian) on how to receive notices and information electronically instead of by post:

VPS-Investortjenester motta elektronisk innkalling