Stock market announcement archive

August 25, 2022
Bergen, 25 August 2022. Today, Lifecare present strong financial results following the first half-yearwith operational activities in two German subsidiaries as part of the LifecareGroup. The external revenue in 1H 2022 reached a total of 8,7MNOK, representingan increase of +8,7MNOK from 1H 2021 (from 0,0 MNOK) and +7,1MNOK from EY 2021(from 1,6MNOK). A steep increase […]
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April 21, 2022
Bergen, Norway 21 April 2022Today, Lifecare 2021 annual report is published. 2021 was marked by severalimportant milestones: o Regulatory approval for first-in-human pilot clinical trials o Restructuring the organization - controlling development operationso Reinforced Patent Protection and IPo Successful Capital IncreaseThe report is subject to approval by the company's general meeting on 6 May2022.Lifecare AS' […]
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August 5, 2021
Bergen, Norway 05.08.21Please find attached Lifecare AS' unaudited Interim Report for first half 2021.The report is also available on Further informationJoacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement waspublished by Kine Hereid, […]
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April 20, 2021
Lifecare publiserer i dag årsmelding med årsregnskap for 2020. Rapportene ergjenstand for godkjenning i selskapets generalforsamling 7. mai 2021. Spørsmål kan rettes til: Joacim Holter, CEO Tel: +47 40 05 90 40E-mail:
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April 20, 2021
Lifecare is today publishing its annual report with accounts for 2020. Thereports are subject to approval by the company's general meeting on 7 May 2021.For more information, please contact: Joacim Holter, CEOPhone: +47 40 05 90 40Email:
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