Stock market announcement archive

October 13, 2020
Following the value decrease of the Lifecare (LIFE-ME) share at Oslo Stock Exchange/Merkur Market Monday 12 October 2020 the company has received questions from shareholders and wants to clarify: There are no changes in relation to Lifecare’s patented core sensor technology, Sencell, either alone or in relation to our partners Digital Diagnostics AG or the […]
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October 5, 2020
Lifecare participating in research project awarded EUR 3,9 million from the EU Commission for development of a bionic invisible pancreas to FORGETDIABETES. Lifecare (LIFE-ME) is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniature sensor for correct and continuous monitoring of diabetics’ blood sugar. Its patented technology is also used as a central component in a rapid […]
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October 5, 2020
Lifecare (LIFE-ME) er et Bergensk teknologiselskap som forsker og utvikler en miniatyrisert sensor for korrekt og kontinuerlig overvåking av blodsukker for diabetikere. Selskapets patenterte teknologi anvendes i tillegg som sentral komponent ved utvikling av antigen hurtigtest for Covid-19 og måleenhet for avlesning av forskjellige biomarkører. I samarbeid med seks akademiske partnere i Italia, Frankrike og […]
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September 25, 2020
På bakgrunn av børsmelding fra Lifecare AS publisert 6. August 2020, utøver Islay Venture GmbH 325.826 opsjoner â NOK 0,40 per aksjeopsjon i Lifecare AS. Islay Venture GmbH kontrolleres av Lifecares CSO Prof. Dr. Dr. med Andreas Pfützner. Ekstraordinær Generalforsamling i Lifecare AS den 30. juli 2020 gav styret fullmakt til å utstede 325.826 nye […]
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September 25, 2020
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Lifecare AS (the Company) August 6th, 2020 regarding the exercise of 325.826 share options with a strike price of NOK 0,40 per share option, by Islay Venture GmbH - a company controlled by the Company CSO Prof. Dr. Dr. med Andreas Pfützner. Based on authorization granted […]
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September 7, 2020
The board of directors of Lifecare has appointed Joacim Holter as CEO for Lifecare with immidiate effect. Holter have been a member of the Lifecare BoD since 2011 and was the Chairman of the BoD from 2012 to 2016. Holter has solid experience from leading international companies from the R&D stage to a commercial operation. […]
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August 25, 2020
Lifecare’s partner Digital Diagnostics AG has received approval for clinical tests from the responsible ethics committee and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in Germany. This is a decisive regulatory step in the ongoing regulatory process for the Digid Cantisense™ SARS-CoV-2 test in Germany. The Digid Cantisense ™ SARS-CoV-2 antigen test for […]
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August 6, 2020
Lifecare’s Chief Scientific Officer, Prof. Dr. Dr. med Andreas Pfützner, hold share option rights both personally and through his company Islay Ventures GmbH. The share option agreement with Islay Ventures GmbH includes 521.321 share options in total and the exercise right is based on a detailed milestone plan. In addition, Islay Ventures GmbH hold 578.125 […]
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June 17, 2020
Christian Saure har vært styreleder i Lifecare AS siden mai 2016. Han har varslet selskapet om at han ikke tar gjenvalg på årets generalforsamling og fratrer etter eget ønske pr 26.06.2020. I den forbindelse har Sterna Holding AS, et selskap 100 % eid av Christian Saure som er primærinnsider i Lifecare AS, den 15.06 og […]
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